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Pose and Frame Conventions

Rigid body transform and points convention

Given a point in frame foo, bar_from_foo is the rigid body transform which maps the point to frame bar:

    point_in_bar = bar_from_foo * point_in_foo

Note that the frame names line up: bar - bar, foo - foo.

Some details

  • If necessary to resolved ambiguities, e.g. between rotations and rigid body transforms, we use a corresponding notation, e.g. bar_form_foo_rotation, bar_form_foo_se3s etc.

  • If we have a list (or vector, or map) of transforms we write:, e.g.:


  • Transforms with compound frame names, such as robot_base or left_camera, are written as follows::


  • For functions and methods we use camelCase. Examples::



  • We use the entity_in_frame conventions for points and other entities which have one frame attached to it. Examples:

    • point_in_camera
    • circle_in_image
    • camera_position_in_world (or short camera_in_world)
    • ...
  • When storing transforms / using them in interfaces, prefer the parent_from_child convention.

    E.g. world_from_sensor_rig, sensor_rig_from_camera, robot_from_imu (and not sensor_rig_from_world etc.).

    It is easier to reason about the pose of camera in the world frame, then the pose of the world origin in the camera frame.

Velocity, acceleration convention

This section includes convention for entities which require three frames such as velocities, and accelerations. We will focus the discussion on velocities, but the same conventions apply to accelerations and similar entities similarly.

For velocities, the three frame of interest are:

  • the anchor frame we compare the motion to
  • the frame of the entity in motion
  • the frame of origin in which the velocity is expressed

Let foo by the anchor frame, entity the frame on the body in motion and origin the origin frame. Then we write:


Let first give a few examples to illustrate velocities of rigid bodies in general, why we need three frames to annotate velocities, and what the difference between is between the anchor frame and the origin is:

  • world_anchored_robot_velocity_in_robot: Ego-centric velocity of the robot with respect to the world frame, expressed in the robot frame. For 2d isometries, the velocity or tangent vector is a 3-vector (vx, vy, w), which consists of linear velocity (vx, vy) - i.e. forward and sideway and angular rate (w). For 3d rigid body transforms, the velocity vector is a 6-vector (vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz), which consists of linear velocity (vx, vy, vz) and angular rate (wx, wy, wz).

  • world_anchored_robot_velocity_in_world: Velocity of the robot with respect to the world frame, expressed in the world frame. Here, the velocities (such as the linear vx, vy) are not ego-centric (forward, sideways) but world-centric (e.g. North-South, East-West).

  • car1_anchored_car2_velocity_in_track: Relative velocity of car2 with respect to car1, expressed in the race track frame.

It is cumbersome, to always annotate velocities with three frames. If it is clear from context what

(a) the anchor frame (e.g. the world frame) and the (b) entity in motion is (e.g. the robot),

we use the following conventions which only annotate the origin frame:


which is short for world_anchored_robot_velocity_in_bar. In particular, we write:


for the world-centric velocity world_anchored_robot_velocity_in_world (robot is moving WEST with a speed of 5 mps), and


for the egocentric velocity world_anchored_robot_velocity_in_robot (robot is moving forward with a speed of 5 mps).